People-Centered Leadership Explained


What is People Centered Leadership?

PCL or People-Centered Leadership brings the practice of a heart-and-mind approach to leadership in your work.

It is a leadership practice that focuses leadership on a company’s most valuable asset – its people.


This practice believes that if you truly know your authentic self, you can connect with your purpose to empower and inspire others.


Three Components of PCL

  1. Listening to Yourself

  2. Knowing Your Purpose

  3. Caring for Others

Organizational Results of PCL

You will do this from an anchored, non-egotistical place. This creates more motivated, engaged, and thriving teams. The organizational results will be a greater, more focused, and more sustainable impact on the work you do.

  • Show up each day operating from your anchored self

  • Have a more engaged team who works efficiently and effectively

  • Set and achieve goals that have typically long-term results.

Looking for customized ways to bring people-centered leadership to you and your team?

Here are some options for you…



The best leaders never stop learning, and outstanding ones understand the power of connection.

You Don’t have to do Leadership Alone

See if there is a feeling of a good connection between us and then know we can meeting monthly for 1 on 1 time in a safe place!